Thunderbirds Photos | Hill Air Force Base in Clearfield, Utah

June 29 and 30, 2024 I went to watch the Thunderbirds fly not far from my home. I didn't get on the base, but was right by the runway. On Saturday I just had my phone and I went alone to see the show, but after 5 minutes my phone overheated with the 90+ degree weather. I didn't take my camera, not sure why.

The airshow has been named "The Greatest Show above the Earth." It was truly amazing. They fly SO fast and low that I had a hard time having photos in focus. I have pretty fast focus on the Fujifilm XT5 but should have had a 1/2000 speed shutter speed instead of 1/1000. With a zoom lens you need an even faster shutter speed and focus. I used my 55-200mm lens in the beginning and then changed to the 80-300mm lens and found that lens to be better to zoom in on the planes.

Here are some of my favorite shots from the 30 minute show of the Thunderbirds. Really it's best to experience in person and the photos don't do it justice. Seeing the air force made me more patriotic and I appreciated all the hours and training of the pilots