Why tacos and froggies shouldn't be mixed with newborn photography.

Hey there! Let's talk about something that’s cuter than a baby in a basket: natural newborn photography. You know, those first few days when babies are squishy little bundles of joy and smell like heaven? Yeah, those. Now, before you start contorting your baby into a human pretzel for the sake of "art," let’s have a little chat about why natural poses are the way to go. Trust me, your baby will thank you later. 

Froggy, Taco, and Other Unnatural Poses: Just Don't Do It

1. Safety First 

Tiny, Fragile Humans: Newborns are like delicate soufflés. One wrong move and poof, disaster. Poses like the froggy, which involves balancing the baby’s head on their hands, might look cool but can put a lot of stress on their itty-bitty bones. It's just not safe

Human Jenga: These poses often need extra hands and a whole lot of Photoshop magic to look safe. It's like building a house of cards, but with a baby. Let’s not play that risky game.

2. Real Babies Aren't Cirque du Soleil Performers

 Forced Folds: The taco pose, where the baby’s feet are practically next to their ears, isn’t a natural resting position. It’s like asking Grandma to do the splits. Or making you fold in half.Just. Don’t.

Keeping It Real: Natural poses show off your baby’s true charm. They’re adorable as-is—no need for baby origami.

3. Happy Baby, Happy Life:

 Comfort Zone: Babies are happiest when they’re in positions they naturally enjoy. Trying to turn them into baby gymnasts can make them cranky, and nobody wants a sad baby.

 Zen Baby: A relaxed baby means smoother sessions and better photos. Plus, you avoid the “why are you doing this to me?” look from your little one.

Natural Poses: The Pillars of Newborn Photography

Natural poses are like the little black dress of newborn photography—classic, comfortable, and always in style. Here’s why you should embrace them:

1. Authentic:

 Easy Does It: Posing babies in natural positions they already love, like on their back or side, keeps them comfy and secure. It’s like wrapping them in a warm, photographic hug. The best pose is holding the baby in your arms where he feels the most secure.

  Less is More: Minimal posing means less risk. You don’t need to be a baby whisperer, just let them chill and do their baby thing. It's baby led posing and the baby's needs come first.

2. Timeless Treasures:

 Classic Style: Natural poses result in photos that won’t look dated five years down the road. A sleeping baby will always be heart-meltingly cute. Why not choose timeless over trendy? Natural over fake?

Honest Photos: Parents love photos that capture their baby’s real personality. These images become cherished keepsakes, not just trendy snapshots. Each baby has its own personality and unique look. Ask a mom. Not all babies look alike to a mother.

3. Smooth Operator:

  Quick and Easy: Natural poses are easier to set up and less stressful for everyone involved. You’re not spending hours trying to balance a baby on a beanbag and waiting for the perfect pose. You can take photos whether the baby is awake or asleep with baby led posing. The main thing is to have the baby comfortable and calm.

 Happy Family: Comfortable babies are content babies, which means you get more adorable, peaceful photos and fewer tears (from both baby and parents). The photo session is led by the baby and I'm patient to make sure the baby gets what she needs.

Tips for Creating Natural Poses

Go With the Flow: Watch how your baby naturally likes to lie and work with that. They’ve got a good thing going—don’t mess it up. It's usually on their back or side, which works perfectly. The time for a happy baby on her own is short, so I'll work quickly to get a few shots from different angles.

Cozy Up: Soft blankets, snuggly wraps, and gentle props can add to the cuteness without cramping the baby’s style. You can have a special blanket in the photo and always remember the baby curled up inside. But you'll want more than just wrapped up baby shots. (not too many burrito baby photos).

Zoom In: Close-ups of tiny hands, feet, and sleepy faces are pure gold. No need for complicated setups. I love to capture close up shots of all those delicate features that will all too quickly change.

Chill Vibes Only: Keep the room warm, play some soothing sounds, have white noise in the background, and make sure everyone is relaxed. Happy baby, happy family right? I'm a laid back photographer with patience to wait for the baby to be ready for photos. Baby led posing means the baby is in charge.

Natural poses in newborn photography are like hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day—comforting, simple, and just right. Ditch the froggy and taco poses and embrace the natural charm of your little one. Not only will you get beautiful, timeless photos, but you’ll also have a happy, comfy baby. So, let’s keep it real and make timeless, classic portraits of your newborn and family at your home.

baby tummy at home with Michelle Deppe Photography in Salt Lake City utah.
baby awake on bed in Kaysville Utah with Michelle Deppe Photography.
Dog and newborn baby girl on bed with Michelle Deppe Photography in Layton, Utah.
Newborn baby on bed with Michelle deppe photography in Bountiful, Utah.
Dad holding baby at home in Centerville, utah with Michelle Deppe Photography.
Dad and baby together at home with Michelle Deppe Photography in Kaysville, utah.
tiny hands of mom and baby at home for newborn pictures with Michelle Deppe Photography.
Tiny feet of newborn with Michelle Deppe Photography in kaysville Utah.
Sleeping baby in mom's arms at home with Michelle Deppe Photography in Farmington, utah.
Farmington utah photographer Michelle Deppe at home newborn photos.
mom and dad holding baby at home in Centerville, Utah with Michelle Deppe Photography.
Mom, dad, and baby at home with Michelle Deppe Photography in Kaysville, Utah.
grumpy baby at home with Michelle Deppe Photography.
Mom holding baby at home with Michelle Deppe Photography in Salt Lake City, utah.
Close up of newborn baby in Salt Lake City utah with Michelle Deppe Photography.

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