What is Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

Lifestyle newborn photography is baby led posing. If the baby wants to sleep I shoot photos of baby sleeping. If the baby wants to eat, I take feeding photos. Siblings can hold, feed, and play with the baby in a relaxed session at their home. It's a more casual and natural way to photograph. Babies are more safe and comfortable at home too!

What is my shooting style?

I prefer to document newborns naturally. I like to capture the babies as they are, wearing just a diaper or onesie. I also like to capture families in a way that depicts real life, a glimpse into their every day. There is such sweetness to newborns and the feeling of your home.

I do, however, like to add ‘props’ from your home that have special meaning into our sessions – hand-knit blankets, family heirlooms, outfits, stuffed animals that hold significance to both you and your baby. I want you to have the photos represent what you love and are natural to you.

What should we wear?

I recommend soft, solid, neutral colors no matter what type of session we are having. Simple is perfect. I like to have family members compliment each other without matching. Complimentary colors work well together (like soft pink and baby blue, yellow and baby blue, tan and blue, grey and pink or blue). 

I would avoid shirts with logos, busy patterns, and really bright colors. Babies are perfect as they are or adorable in small, soft patterns, on their clothing or on the blankets they are resting on. I like white blankets best. Multiple outfits for your newborn is a definite plus!

For Mom – soft comfortable clothing. A knit top, cotton gown or simple shirt will keep you comfortable and is a great background for mom and baby shots, especially for the more intimate close-ups. Soft clothing and bare feet look great in the home setting. I like to shoot tiny hands and bare feet for close ups.

For Dad and Siblings– comfort is key. Wear what you would normally wear around the house on a grocery shopping day – comfortable, casual and low-key. This can be as simple as jeans and a plain colored tee or button-up that nicely compliments your partner’s outfit. Plain and simple is best!

Shooting indoors? How should we prepare?

I love to take newborn photos indoors at their home where they are the most comfortable. These photographs will mainly focus on the baby and the relationship you share – tiny details of their bodies, curves of their faces and lots of cuddles with their parents – all of this is best done in the comfort of your home. We can get a wide variety of images by using a couple different rooms and switching up posing – baby wrapped up, in a favorite outfit, naked or partially naked if the parents wish, feeding, different group shots. I want to make it relaxed.

  • Worried your house is a mess? Please don’t stress…you just had a baby! Clutter is expected! We don’t need much space, and we can always move things around and place it back at the end of the session. The bedroom is generally a great spot for your photos. Some of my favorite shots are of the entire family snuggled up on the parent’s bed. You can use white sheets and pillowcases for a clean, non distracting backdrop. Other places to shoot are in the crib, on a couch, or simply on the floor. 
  • I like to have all blinds and curtains opened and overhead lights turned off to help me locate the best lighting.
  • I also recommend keeping your home a bit warmer than normal during our session, especially if you are interested in a few bare skin shots of your newborn. Turn off the AC or turn the heat to about 75° a half hour before so the baby is warm and snuggly throughout our time together.
  • Feed your baby how you normally do, but we may need to be flexible during the session! A fed baby is a happy and sleepy baby, so they may need to eat more often during the session than they normally do. We can take as many breaks as needed for feedings – these can make for some beautiful mom & baby shots. Your other kids could help feed the baby for photos too.
  • Plan outfits ahead of time. If you are planning for your newborn to wear multiple outfits, please have them washed and ready! If you know you want some bare skin shots and baby is sleepy upon my arrival, dress him/her in just a diaper or onesie under a swaddle or blanket so we don’t have to upset them by changing them more than once. I would be happy to help you choose baby outfits when I come over that are based on the family’s outfits and the surrounding colors of your rooms.

What can I expect for the session? 

I will ask for a tour of your home so that I can see where the light is falling, special rooms or backdrops you’d like to use, and the baby’s room. I’ll ask about if there are any important items or family pets that should be included in the shoot.

Then we can begin taking photographs. We will shoot in 2-3 rooms of your home – typically those that are the most snuggly and have the most window light (the nursery, master bedroom, and family room are some of the most popular).

I take cues on timing from the baby – it’s best to be flexible! If he/she is hungry when I arrive, I will start with feeding and changing shots. If he/she’s sleeping soundly, we’ll start with crib and nursery shots or wide-angle, full-room shots of the entire family together. Family shots are lovely on the couch in your family room, cuddled up on the bed in the master bedroom, sitting on the floor or standing near the rocker in the baby’s room. 

After group shots are finished, we take photos with brothers and sisters. When these are finished, we let all siblings involved have a break and focus on intimate detail shots of the baby, if we haven’t already. These can be in the crib, on the master bed, on a favorite soft blanket. Some families like half-naked shots with just a diaper or onesie on to really capture their tiny baby. Others prefer to keep them swaddled or bundled up in their favorite outfit. We’ll try to get eyes closed and eyes open during this stage of the session to give you variety and show off every little tiny detail of your newborn!

Although this is a lifestyle session, I do offer guidance on posing and suggestions to help clients feel more comfortable. I also want to get the shots you want to have. 

I do not put a time limit on my sessions, but they typically last from 1 to 2 hours. Sometimes baby sleeps through the entire shoot and we finish up quickly. Sometimes the baby needs to eat or needs a new diaper, or there are a few outfits we’d like to change them into throughout our time together, and it takes a bit longer. One of the best parts about these sessions is we get to take our time and be flexible without worry of time limitations! Again, I want this to be a relaxed session and very natural and casual for your family. 

The safety of your baby is my first priority also. Especially during this time of COVID I will wear a mask, bring my camera bag, and a step ladder (since I am short). I will plan to use the blanket and props at your home that you would like to use.

I hope this helps you prep and plan for your at-home session! Let me know if you have any questions!